(5,900+ Verified Reviews)
This workshop is for anyone who wants to maximize their productivity. You will be learning hacks & tools that will make you the best employee of your office. This workshop is for professionals including but not limited to…
+ Anyone wanting to get a promotion, salary hike or switch their job in today’s AI driven world!
Hello, I am Navin Parmar, the Chief Marketing Officer at Skill Nation. I help Digital Marketers & Business Owners & Working Professionals, in mastering their marketing skills with ease & consult for top brands to make them more Profitable on their Marketing Spends
At age 22, I founded my own training & consulting academy which has trained over 3,00,000+ students just in the last 3 years.
As a Marketer & Ads Expert, I have worked with multiple brands in the United Kingdom, India, Ireland & USA.
After Generating 400+ Crore of revenue for my Startup (Skill Nation) & Clients. I look forward to sharing my knowledge & experience with you.
If you checked ANY of the boxes above, then you’re invited to join the DIGITAL MARKETING & AI Hacks WORKSHOP
Workshop is on Thursday, 30th Nov 2023, 07:00 p.m. IST
You just need an interest in the world of Marketing, AI, or Chat-GPT. No prior knowledge about any software is required.
It is a completely LIVE workshop with a total duration of 3 hours.
No, you do not have to pay for any tools.
No, it won’t be recorded but you will get detailed notes for your references
Please write to us at support @ navinparmar.in & our awesome support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
5,900+ Enrolled